Assessment and Fees

Curriculum Assessment processes
Curriculum Goals and Assessments:
For core subjects, termly curriculum goals are established during the first fortnight of each term and shared with parents. These goals are established from a rubrics that follows on from the primary curriculum and moves towards the secondary levels. Each learner will be assessed against these rubrics, their progressed tracked and shared with parents.   
Throughout the term, work will be shared using our Seesaw Blogging application but also during our Learner Led Conferences (LLC) Parents and learners are given the opportunity to sit with each AP subject teacher to discuss progress and the next steps to learning.
Further information about our full curriculums and assessment rubrics for each element of the curriculum can be located in our Alternative Pathway Parent Curriculum Guidance Book.

Each goal is assessed against a level of independence. The alternative Pathway recognised that our learners face challenges with applying the knowledge and skills that they gain so we design programs that allow them to practise and apply these skills in different life situations. We assess the level of independence against the following scale:
Pre-Beginning Has no knowledge or experience of the learning/activity
Emerging Some experience/knowledge but little practical application
Beginning Some practise in a controlled environment and fully supported
Beginning/Developing Practise in a controlled environment with some support
Developing Can complete in a controlled environment with reminders of application but continue fairly independently
Developing/Mastering Completes without reminders and starts to generalise the application
Mastering Completes independently and can transfer the skill to other environments and situations

Application - Formal Assessments
Upon application and entry formal assessment may be required as part of the standard application process. We recognise that learners may feel over anxious and stressed during these examination style situations. For this reason, we take a passive approach to the assessment process. Our assessment aims to give a holistic overview of each learner so that knowledge and understanding of all aspects of their academic, social and emotional needs can be provided for.

Learners are asked to complete the mainstream assessment procedures each year (CAT’s, PTM’s and PTE’s) where we feel that it may provide further knowledge on progress and readiness for accreditation. On these occasions we provide opportunities for learners to take tests in a familiar environment with the appropriate level of supervision to ensure they are feeling as confident as possible.

For the mainstream lessons that require formal testing, we will also provide support for any differentiation and appropriate environment for testing with special consideration for access arrangements in line with official requirements of examination boards.

The Alternative Pathway program is a non profitable provision for learners who pass the admission standards.  

The program charges an additional RM16,000 per academic term
  • This cost was devised from the approximate costs of a PLA (Personal Learning Assistants / Shadow’s wage)  
How our fee structure works:
The Alternative Pathway is funded by:
  • 60% of standard school fee’s
  • 100% parent contribution from the additional fee’s (RM16,000 per term)
Note: Please refer to the standard school fee structure for applications and deposits.
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