Personal, Social Development (PSD)
The PSD curriculum supports the subject areas by developing self-management, relationship-building, social awareness, digital literacy, critical thinking and health and well-being. The curriculum is delivered by tutors with each year group designed to respond to the needs of learners at each stage of the Middle School.Mathematics
The Mathematics curriculum is designed to develop an inquiry relationship with Mathematics; approaching Mathematics with curiosity, courage, confidence & intuition. Building on the key concepts and applications, learners are challenged to explore, apply and solve complex problems that often, represent real world problems and applications. Learners are constantly encouraged to talk about mathematical process and ideas and recognise work on Mathematics problems can be solved with many different insights and methods.English
At NISM the Middle School English curriculum is designed to develop skills in reading comprehension, accurate writing and confidence in speaking. These skills are delivered through the study of different texts both fiction and non fiction from a range of cultures around the world. Learners are encouraged to read every lesson and in addition to this complete a weekly reading journal.Science
At NISM the Middle School is a combined Science curriculum that inspires learners’ scientific curiosity through a passion for, and deep understanding of, the key scientific concepts and skills. The curriculum blends theory and engaging practical lessons to allow learners to explore and understand the world around them and the role that Science plays in our lives. In Year 9 learners begin the IGCSE pathways.L.O.T.E (Languages other than English)
It is well recognised that speaking two or more languages enhances core subject areas of reading, English language literacy, social studies, and Mathematics as well as developing communication, global awareness and international mindedness. In the Middle School at NISM, learners are able to develop European and Asian languages through First Language Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia and Foreign Language Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia, French and Spanish.Humanities
Humanities is a combined programme that builds enthusiasm and engagement into a wide range of Humanities’ disciplines, including, history, geography, sociology, economics, politics and religion. The Middle School curriculum is designed to develop internationally minded, flexible thinking learners who have the ability to work independently and think critically. Learners are taught to formulate lines of enquiry, and test ideas by investigating real world examples as a vehicle to gaining deep, conceptual understanding of the issues.The Arts
At NISM we feel strongly that the study of The Arts enhances learners creativity, confidence, awareness and conceptual thinking. In the Middle School The Arts are Music, Art and Design and Drama.In Art and Design, learners explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences to communicate ideas and meanings. They work with traditional and new media, learning to appreciate and value images and artefacts across times and cultures, and to understand the contexts in which they were made.
Drama inspires learners to develop their confidence through the application of script work, devising projects and responding to stimuli. The learners also learn about costumes, props, lighting and sound through the development of their own performances.
The Music curriculum is designed to introduce learners to a range of various music styles, instruments and stimulus. Through listening, performance and composition learners work at their musical level independently and in groups.
Physical Education (P.E)
At Nexus physical health and well-being are important. The Middle School P.E curriculum is designed to emphasise participation, enjoyment and physical fitness to promote a prolonged interest in sport and physical activity. The programme provides opportunities for learners to choose, try and develop in a range of traditional, new and challenging activities.Nexus CORE
The CORE programme, based on the MYP ATLs, are intended to develop the skills learners need to become lifelong learners, prepare them for the IB Diploma Programme and to ensure that they can participate responsibly in local and global communities.Through the CORE programme, learners develop skills that have relevance across the curriculum that help them “learn how to learn”. The CORE Approaches to learning skills can be learned and taught, improved with practice and developed incrementally. They provide a solid foundation for learning independently and with others, and will help to improve outcomes in their other classes.
Digital Literacy

At Nexus, our project-based Digital Literacy curriculum is informed by the latest insights from the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, ensuring our learners are equipped with the most sought-after skills in a rapidly evolving job market.
From computational thinking and app development to digital marketing, AI, big data, and computer-aided design, pupils gain hands-on experience with essential modern technologies. Furthermore, our collaboration with ICDL offers globally recognised qualifications that give learners a competitive edge, preparing them not only for current digital demands but also for the careers of tomorrow.