Course Overview

In the Primary School, learning is defined as:
"A personalised process where connections are created or strengthened in the brain as we build on knowledge, skills and attitudes whilst deepening our understandings and applying these in a variety of contexts." Learning Definition - Nexus International School 2012

We use the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) as our main tool to help learners to achieve their maximum potential. We also reference the UK National Curriculum and supplement the learning goals where we feel it is necessary. The IPC has been cross-referenced with the UK Curriculum and this cross-referencing can be accessed at the school.

Through these two curricula, we aim:
  • To provide maximum opportunities for all learners to become lifelong learners.
  • To offer a broad, balanced, relevant and rigorous curriculum to all learners.
  • To give learners the knowledge and understanding to equip them for their further academic careers and their lives in the 21st Century.
  • To ensure equal opportunity to all learners regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion or background.
  • To promote learners’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


What Is It?
An international, up to date, comprehensive and future oriented curriculum programme aimed at Early Years 1 to Year 6 learners growing up in the 21st Century. It nurtures a love of learning and encourages the necessary key skills and personal qualities.

The curriculum has a few fundamental beliefs:
  • Learning is about making connections and we ensure that all learners are given the opportunity to see the ‘Big Picture’.
  • Relaxed alertness, not stress, is the best state for learning.
  • Every learner has a portfolio of intelligence and it is our job to discover in which ways to best challenge every learner.
  • Children and adults are able to access learning in different ways and a variety of opportunities must be provided and experienced by learners.
  • Time needs to be created for complex thinking time - ‘slow thinking’ time.
  • Good health is important for effective learning.

Keeping Parents Informed:
At the beginning of each new unit of work the class teacher will provide an overview of the theme covered and ways you can help your child during that unit of work. The objectives for Numeracy will also be stated at the beginning of each half term. In addition, class websites are updated on a weekly basis. They detail what will be learnt in the following week. If parents have any questions about the curriculum, they should feel free to liaise directly with their child’s teacher, Milepost leaders or The Head of Primary.

Home Learning:
Home learning is intended to foster a relationship between home and school, to keep parents informed of the work and activities we are doing in school and to encourage effective management of time, good work habits and responsibility. Home learning is not intended to be a painful task or a battle of wills between a child and parent. Learners should usually attempt to complete home learning on their own, as it is an extension of what they have learnt in class or preparation for the next class.

Learners in Early Years may take home reading books, which should be shared with their parents or guardians. Learners in Milepost 1, 2 and 3 receive homework weekly. The workload will vary and gradually increase from year group to year group. Home learning should always be clearly explained by the class teacher before being handed out. All learners are expected to complete home learning in the allotted time.

Reading is encouraged throughout a child’s primary years and starts from nursery with simple picture books and progresses throughout the years according to each student’s reading level. All year groups have suitable class readers, which can be read at home with a parent. This fosters an important relationship between parent, learner and teacher.

Library Books:
Each year group has the opportunity to regularly borrow books from the library. All primary learners are required to either renew or change their library book on a weekly basis. Our school teachers and librarians help learners with library and research skills.

Learning Goals:
The IPC splits the curriculum up into Mileposts and each milepost is age-related. Early Year 1 and Early Year 2 are known as Early Years; Year 1 and Year 2 are known as Milepost 1; Year 3 and Year 4 as Milepost 2 and Year 5 and Year 6 as Milepost 3.

The curriculum consists of three types of learning goals. These form the basis of the standards that are expected at different stages of a learner’s journey at Nexus.

1. Personal Goals
Each learner at Nexus International School will have a set of Personal Goals: These personal goals refer to those individual qualities and dispositions children will find essential in the 21st century. Efforts towards achieving the goals are reflected in our whole curriculum and other aspects of school life. Here is a summary of the personal outcomes of children’s learning at Nexus.



The personal goals are not age-specific and apply to children and adults of all ages.

2. Subject Goals
Click on the Subject to read its goal in more details.





Please note that although all goals are covered over the course of the Milepost, not all subject goals are covered in all themes.

3. International Goals
The IPC is unique in defining learning goals that help young children begin the move towards an increasingly sophisticated national and international perspective.

The IPC view of an international perspective is based upon:
  • A knowledge and understanding of one’s own national culture.
  • An awareness and understanding of the independence of and the interdependence between peoples.
  • An awareness and understanding of the independence of and the interdependence between countries.
  • An awareness and understanding of the essential similarities between the peoples and countries of the world.



At Nexus International School we encourage these qualities through children’s daily learning and through unique and specialised Host country integration lessons. We also celebrate a wide variety of cultures, festivals and events.

Throughout the primary school learners will aim for a challenging, holistic education. The global learning goals below can give you a good idea of what your child is aiming towards, and there will be more detailed learning intentions for each goal.

The schools definition of International Mindedness is:
"An understanding of ourselves as part of a global community and a respect for and celebration of diversity within that community."
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