Subject Information

Core Subject
The English course leads to two CIE IGCSE qualifications (Language and Literature), which cover the development of a range of skills from reading fiction and non-fiction texts and writing a wide range of text types. In addition, the courses seek to develop learners’ speaking and listening skills, including their ability to formulate both written and spoken Standard English. Independent learning is an essential component of this course. English is a vital part of every learner’s education and will inform and aid their learning across all curriculum areas.
Mathematics is a fundamental subject in any well-rounded education. It teaches the learners the ability to think, to reason critically and to solve problems using a variety of different techniques. The CIE course is specifically designed to merge with the IB Diploma thus creating a custom-made pathway for Nexus learners as they progress through school. There are additional costs associated with this course, which include a graphics calculator and textbook.
Global Perspectives
Global Perspectives is a groundbreaking cross-curricular course stretching across traditional subject boundaries. It taps into the way today’s learners enjoy learning − including group work, seminars, projects, and engaging with other learners around the world. The emphasis is on developing the ability to think critically about a range of global issues where there is always more than one point of view. The study of Global Perspectives provides opportunities for enquiry into, and reflection on thise issues from a personal, local and/or national and global perspectives and understand the links between these. Global Perspectives aims to develop learners who become independent and empowered to take their place in an ever-changing, information-heavy, interconnected world. Global Perspectives explicitly develops some of the skills that leaners will need to apply in the CAS, TOK and EE core elements of the IB Diploma Programme.
In Science all learners study Biology, Chemistry and Physics, each taught by a subject specialist. The three Science pathways are designed to encourage learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged. They encourage learners to develop their curiosity about the living world, enabling them to engage with Science in their everyday lives and to make informed choices about further study in Science, or related disciplines.

Science allows learners to understand the world around them and the role that Science plays in our lives – from food security, to the smartphone in your hands. Beyond this, Science enables learners to develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to independently seek answers to their own questions – to think scientifically. Not only that, but Science at Nexus develops a learner’s ability to confidently take part in public debate and decision making about Science.

Learners at Nexus begin the foundation year for IGCSE course in Year 9 and progress into Years 10 and 11 via a number of pathways.

Combined Science
Learners gain an understanding of the basic principles of each subject through a mix of theoretical and practical studies, while also developing an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study. Biology, Chemistry and Physics are each covered in separate syllabus sections. Learners in this pathway gain one one IGCSE award.

Co-ordinated Science
Co-ordinated Science gives learners the opportunity to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics in greater depth than in the Combined Science pathway. Learners will explore how science is studied and practised, and how results of scientific research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment. It is a double award IGCSE and preapres learners for further science study.

Separate Science
The separate Biology, Chemistry and Physics IGCSEs explore each of the disciplines with significant rigour and learners will gain threee separate IGCSE awards preparing them for further Science study.
Digital Literacy

At Nexus, our project-based Digital Literacy curriculum is informed by the latest insights from the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, ensuring our learners are equipped with the most sought-after skills in a rapidly evolving job market.

From computational thinking and app development to digital marketing, AI, big data, and computer-aided design, pupils gain hands-on experience with essential modern technologies. Furthermore, our collaboration with ICDL offers globally recognised qualifications that give learners a competitive edge, preparing them not only for current digital demands but also for the careers of tomorrow.

Nexus is an Accredited Test Centre (ATC) recognised by ICDL Asia. This allows our Year 10 Nexus learners to stand out by gaining globally-recognised ICDL certifications in highly relevant essential digital skills.
LOTE (Languages Other Than English)
Speaking two or more languages is a important to our development of International Mindedness and encourages analysis, memorising and drawing of inferences. LOTE courses develop a range of skills such as communication, public speaking and cultural awareness. NOTE: if you are a Malaysian passport holder it is a requirement that you take BM until you reach IGCSE standard.

There are a number of subject options and three pathways available within LOTE
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Spanish
Foreign Language
This language pathway is suitable for learners who have an interest in acquiring a new language or have some previous experience in these languages but are not fluent.

This course introduces vocabulary and grammatical needed in order to read, write and talk about the following topics: everyday activities; personal and social life, the world around us , the international world and the world of work.
First Language
This language pathway is suitable for learners who are bilingual, are near native speakers or for whom their mother tongue is Chinese or Bahasa Malaysia.

Bahasa Malaysia
This course further develops the language skills of First Language Malay speakers (who have already completed SPM or IGCSE Bahasa Malaysia) fully preparing them for the transition to IB Malay A and focuses on literature study. There is no final assessment as this is a non-examined option.

This course enables learner to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in writing; understand and respond appropriately to what they read and enjoy and appreciate the variety of language.

This language pathway is suitable for learners who have an interest in acquiring a new language or have some previous experience in these languages but are not fluent.

This course introduces vocabulary and grammatical needed in order to read, write and talk about the following topics: everyday activities; personal and social life, the world around us , the international world and the world of work.
Personal & Social Development
The Personal and Social Development (PSD) programme is an integral part of our broad and balanced curriculum. It is part of the pastoral structure of Nexus and is delivered by tutors to foster and develop key learning-focused relationships.

During two 40-minute lessons per week learners:
  • are taught strategies to support learning, such as revision, study skills, organisation, learning styles, self regulation techniques, stress management, memory structure, theory of knowledge (ToK), competencies and mindsets.
  • are given the opportunity to promote personal, social and emotional wellbeing through examining case studies, looking at evidence and working collaboratively to explore issues such as cyber safety, careers, body image, gaming, motivation and mindfulness.
  • address a range of relevant global issues and current affairs to promote the international mindedness of our learners.
Learning in PSD takes many forms, such as self-guided independent learning tasks, collaborative team projects, assemblies and key speakers.
Physical Education remains a compulsory subject in Years 10 and 11 and all students have one lesson of curriculum time dedicated to Physical Education.

The emphasis is on participation and enjoyment to promote a prolonged interest in sport and physical activity. The course provides opportunities for learners to try new and challenging activities and give them an insight into what activities are provided outside of school in the local community for future participation in later life.

PE IGCSE is available as an examnined option in addition to CORE PE
Option Subject
Art & Design
Art and Design encourages a personal response by stimulating imagination, sensitivity, conceptual thinking, powers of observation and analytical ability. Learners gain confidence and enthusiasm as they develop practical skills in two and three dimensional form and composition, and are able to identify and solve problems in visual forms. Learners also discover how to develop ideas and create processes that reach final outcomes.
Drama involves practical and theoretical study. Learners develop an understanding and enjoyment of Drama, developing group and individual skills and studying ways to communicate ideas and feelings to an audience. They learn how to discover the performance possibilities of a text and other stimuli, and devise dramatic material of their own. Learners also develop their performance skills, the demonstration of which forms part of the final assessment.
Media Studies
Media Studies provides opportunities for the learners to engage with the actual process of media production in two specific areas; audio-visual and print media. There is an underpinning theoretical aspect as the learners are encouraged to become aware of global media institutions and ownership. They explore all the different roles needed when planning, storyboarding, shooting and editing a film, as well as providing planning, research into print magazines and how to construct a digital magazine product. As a result, learners engage in creative and digital communication in order to develop crucial transferable skills.
Music is designed for all learners, not just those who have instrumental or singing lessons. Learners who enjoy playing and composing projects in music lessons and would like to learn about the latest technological equipment and studio facilities will enjoy this course. Learners develop an appreciation of various styles of music and, as a stimulus, to understand the composing process. They need to listen widely to different genres of music to understand that process and are expected to take up the opportunities to get involved in music ensembles to enhance their performing skills.
Business Studies
Business Studies equips learners with the necessary skills to be informed and responsible consumers and prepares them for being the workforce and business leaders of tomorrow. It develops learners’ understanding of business activity in the public and private sectors, and the importance of innovation and change. Learners explore the setting up and operation of a business, the activities of business and the reasons for success or failure. It encourages learners to appreciate that businesses must operate within society and that this involves businesses engaging with a wide range of stakeholders who will hold differing perspectives.
Economics equips learners with the basic tools of the economist. It helps them understand their place in, and contribution to, the local, national and global economy as consumers, workers and citizens. Learners investigate how the actions of governments, firms, consumers and workers affect the operation of the economy, exploring a range of contemporary issues, and analysing evidence from different perspectives. Learners also explore specific economic concepts and theories and apply these to a range of economic issues locally, nationally and globally
Geography enables learners to:
  • develop their knowledge and understanding of geographical concepts and appreciate the relevance of these concepts to our changing world.
  • develop a framework of spatial awareness in which to appreciate the importance of the location of places and environments from a local to global scale.
  • appreciate that people have different views of, and attitudes to, the world, its environments and its issues.
  • develop and apply practical geographical enquiry skills.
  • undertake geographical investigations that include both primary and secondary data collection.
  • develop and apply their learning to the real world through fieldwork.
  • develop their awareness of global issues and recognise the need for a sustainable future.
History looks at some of the major international issues of the twentieth century, as well as covering the history of particular regions in more depth. The emphasis is on knowledge and on the skills required for historical research. Learners learn about the nature of cause and effect, continuity and change, similarity and difference and find out how to use and understand historical evidence as part of their studies.

This language pathway is suitable for learners who have an interest in acquiring a new language or have some previous experience in these languages but are not fluent.

This course introduces vocabulary and grammatical needed in order to read, write and talk about the following topics: everyday activities; personal and social life, the world around us , the international world and the world of work.
Additional Mathematics
Additional Mathematics extends skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the IGCSE Mathematics course and learners apply more advanced techniques. It is only available to learners who can demonstrate already high mathematical confidence and competencies. Learners that complete this course will receive a separate GCSE certificate. The course prepares the learners well for the Higher Level IB Mathematics course at IB.
Physical Education
Physical Education provides candidates with an opportunity to study both the practical and theoretical aspects of Physical Education. It is designed to foster enjoyment in physical activity by providing learners with an opportunity to take part in a range of physical activities. Learners will be able to develop an understanding of effective and safe physical performance and to appreciate the necessity for sound understanding of the principles, practices and training that underpin improved performance, better health and well-being.
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