Home / School communication
Good communication between home and school is very important. Children quickly pick up any parental discord and often become upset or use it inappropriately. If you have any worries or concerns or complaints please come in and discuss them with us. We will never make judgmental comments about parents to children and we ask you to respect the children’s relationship with their teachers in the same way.
If we are aware of problems, we can together to solve them. The children need to know that we trust each other and are working together. We encourage the children to be as independent as possible and to think for themselves. We ask that you support us in this. We will make every effort to be available to you.
However before and after school are busy times as we like to start our activities promptly. Please if possible send an email or note in the communication book to book an appointment for more complex matters.

Parent & Teacher communication
Building strong relationships is important to us and we are aware of the role clear communication has in supporting this. Before your child starts school you will receive an email from their class teacher welcoming you into the class.
Once your child has started you will be given a blue communication book, which will be used to pass personal messages between yourself and your child’s class teacher.
More formal occasions have also been timetabled into the year to keep you up to date with your child’s progress.
- Within the first few weeks, there will be a Meet and Greet session for parents and teachers.
- Parents will have the opportunity to track their child’s progress through online learning journeys.
- In Term 2, learners will present their learning toparents in Learner - Led Conference (LLC).
- Parents will be invited to EYs Learning Showcase in the theatre in Term 3.
If you would like to speak to our Admissions or Academic team to find out more, you may register your interest here.