The Age of Discovery
At Nexus International School, we believe that children have a natural ability and willingness to learn and that they are self-directed, creative and innovative. The teacher’s role is to mentor the child, providing them opportunities to explore and discover, and to guide them in creation of new knowledge and greater understandings.
We encourage strong parent-school relationship where parents feel their contribution is valued.
Learning Through Play
Learning in our Nursery and Reception classes is through a mixture of teacher-directed and child-initiated play activities. We give high priority to the process of learning through practical, first-hand experiences. Well-planned play both inside and outside, is a key way in which young children learn with enjoyment and challenge.
We encourage the children to participate in their own learning and we foster an atmosphere where they will want to explore and learn more. We model positive relationships in an environment where children have high levels of self-esteem and self-confidence.
Nexus Early Years harvesting at Nexus homegrown edible garden
It is our goal to provide children with a positive environment, where they can feel valued, happy, enjoy the challenge of learning.
If you would like to speak to our Admissions or Academic team to find out more, you may register your interest here.