Higher Education and Careers


Nexus offers extensive support for Higher Education (HE) & Tutoring through:
  • Dedicated support from Higher Education & Careers Counsellor with Student Drop in sessions throughout school day & parental advisory sessions
  • 1:1 Personal Personal Tutor during School Hours
  • After School hours: Personal tutoring available for boarders (if required)
  • Pastoral Support from our Secondary Pastoral Team & IB Core Team
Sarah Johnson
Head of IB
PGCE (UK). B.A Hons. UK
Sarah joined Nexus in 2018 and has over 14 years teaching experience, with 7 years in the UK before teaching in Tanzania, China and now Malaysia. She has also worked as an examiner for 14 years for OCR and CIE.

Our dedicated Higher Education (HE) & Careers Counsellor provides support with career guidance, university and scholarship applications. Learners will benefit from:
  • Higher education/university visits and talks at the school
  • Advice on a suitable course of study
  • Guidance on the process of applying to university 
  • Scholarship sourcing and scholarship applications as well as how to get financial assistance 
  • University applications and submissions (including writing their Personal Statements)
  • Other general advice on Higher Education choices and career guidance matters
University Destination & Offers:
Nexus learners from the IB Diploma Programme have received over 140 offers worth USD 1 million annually from top universities worldwide. Scholarship offers received includes prestigious universities such as Oxford University (UK), Stanford University (USA), KAIST University (Korea), University of British Columbia (Canada), Hong Kong University, University of Glasgow, University of Tasmania and many more.

Nexus graduates have been accepted into universities worldwide which includes (but not limited to) the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and many other countries.

James Cook University
JMC Academy
Monash University
University of Melbourne
University of Queensland
University of Technology Sydney
University of Western Australia
University of Sydney

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Carleton University
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Fraser International
McGill University
Simon Fraser University
The University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Toronto

Charles University

The American University of Paris
L'atelier D'arts Appliqués

Hong Kong University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

University of Hokkaido
University of Tokyo

Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Yonsei University

Heriot-Watt University
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur
International Islamic University
International Medical University
INTI International University
LimKokWing University
Mahsa University
Management and Science University
Monash University Malaysia
Multimedia University
Newcastle Medical School Malaysia
Penang Medical College
Southampton University
Sunway University
Taylor’s University
UCSI University
University of Nottingham
UOW Malaysia KDU University College
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Radboud University
University of Amsterdam
Utrecht University
Hotelschool the Hague
HZ University of Applied Sciences

Victoria University of Wellington

Curtin University
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore Management University

Bath Spa University
Birkbeck University
City University London
Durham University
Heriot Watt University
Imperial College London
Keele University
King's College London
Lancaster University
London School of Economics
Loughborough University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Nottingham Trent
Oxford University
Queen Mary University of London
Salford University
School of Oriental and African Studies University of London (SOAS)
University of London
University Academy 92 (UA92)
University College London
University of Aberdeen
University of Bath
University of Brighton
University of Bristol
University of East Anglia
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of Leicester
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
University of Reading
University of Southampton
University of St. Andrews
University of Sussex
University of Warwick
University of Westminster
University of York
Oxford University
University of Surrey
Royal Veterinary College

Boston University
Duke University
Johns Hopkins University
Northeastern University
Stanford University
Syracuse University
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Illinois
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
University of Pennsylvania
Washington State University
Beloit College
University of Virginia

Jæren Folkehøgskule

HSE University

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