“Embracing Diversity, Challenging Minds"
We believe that children benefit from diversity and that all children deserve an excellent, child-centered education. At Nexus you will see learners working together and caring for others in a supportive environment in and beyond the classroom. The world is not homogenous and our learners develop a deep empathy and understanding for difference.
Our inclusive (non-elitist) admission policy means that learners are widely varied in their abilities, skills and needs. In order to develop the varied gifts and talents of our learners, the learning journey itself is inclusive. We do not agree that simply including learners physically in the classroom is enough.
We can expect that some learners will be working on skills at Mastering level (A*) and others at Pre-foundation (G). Therefore we design the learning experiences, using a range of differentiation strategies, to ensure all learners achieve their best and are challenged appropriately.
The use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.
Additional Support
Specialist teachers work in class alongside teachers to give additional support for children with language and/or learning needs. At Nexus we believe that an individual’s intellectual and personal growth are both complementary and inextricably linked and we do all we can to help learners develop their confidence and achieve their personal best.
- ELL Teachers (EAL and Special Needs trained teachers) co-plan to support delivery of differentiated learning experiences as well as working with learners in class alongside the classroom/subject teachers.
- Personal Learning Assistants (PLAs) in Primary classrooms help integrate learners on the autistic spectrum & with other complex learning needs with the learning journey.
- The Alternative Pathway program (AP) in secondary provides specialist programs so that children with complex learning needs can continue their learning journey at Nexus alongside the mainstream curriculum.
- Highly Able learners are supported to extend their learning through enrichment opportunities as well being challenged at Mastering levels in the classroom.