Nexus Boarding House – More Than A Place To Stay

Oct 3, 2019
There are many reasons why parents send their child to board. At Nexus our dedicated staff and great facilities enable a dynamic learning environment whilst also encouraging independence.
Nexus International School Malaysia (NISM) offers an international education from the Early Years and Primary through to Middle School, IGCSE and the IB Diploma. With a reputation for celebrating diversity and challenging minds, NISM is also known for having developed a unique philosophy called the Nexus Way and for its boarding facilities.
Why board?
The main reasons why parents choose boarding range from wanting to provide their children with the best academic opportunities in a school far away from home to wanting to prepare their children for university and independence. Boarding offers students a chance to focus on their studies while making new friends from all over the world and being exposed to different cultures. It’s also a good way to become more responsible and prepared for new challenges.
Nexus Boarding House
If you’re thinking of sending your children to board, the Nexus Boarding House is a great choice and has been open since 2011. It currently houses boarders from Australia, Japan, India, Korea, UK, China, Taiwan, UAE, Malaysia and more. Boarders here have the privilege of living within a supportive, multicultural community with experienced resident house parents who offer guidance, pastoral care and academic assistance.
A typical day at the Nexus Boarding House revolves around routine activities (keeping their living space tidy), after-school activities (participating in sports), weekend activities (bowling, cycling) and peer-to-per camaraderie (baking or studying together). Emphasis is placed on enhancing life skills, being independent, nurturing friendships and learning how to solve problems. Each floor has a recreation area and kitchenette so boarders can relax and socialise during their free time.
Types of boarding
There are flexible options at the Nexus Boarding House to accommodate the different needs of parents and their children.
Full boarding: learners board for the term and leave during the holidays.
Weekly boarding: learners stay from Monday to Friday and return home during the weekend.
Day boarding: students remain at school from 7.30am to 8pm Monday to Friday – an ideal option for working parents.
Nexus International School Malaysia (NISM) offers an international education from the Early Years and Primary through to Middle School, IGCSE and the IB Diploma. With a reputation for celebrating diversity and challenging minds, NISM is also known for having developed a unique philosophy called the Nexus Way and for its boarding facilities.
Why board?
The main reasons why parents choose boarding range from wanting to provide their children with the best academic opportunities in a school far away from home to wanting to prepare their children for university and independence. Boarding offers students a chance to focus on their studies while making new friends from all over the world and being exposed to different cultures. It’s also a good way to become more responsible and prepared for new challenges.
Nexus Boarding House
If you’re thinking of sending your children to board, the Nexus Boarding House is a great choice and has been open since 2011. It currently houses boarders from Australia, Japan, India, Korea, UK, China, Taiwan, UAE, Malaysia and more. Boarders here have the privilege of living within a supportive, multicultural community with experienced resident house parents who offer guidance, pastoral care and academic assistance.
A typical day at the Nexus Boarding House revolves around routine activities (keeping their living space tidy), after-school activities (participating in sports), weekend activities (bowling, cycling) and peer-to-per camaraderie (baking or studying together). Emphasis is placed on enhancing life skills, being independent, nurturing friendships and learning how to solve problems. Each floor has a recreation area and kitchenette so boarders can relax and socialise during their free time.
Types of boarding
There are flexible options at the Nexus Boarding House to accommodate the different needs of parents and their children.
Full boarding: learners board for the term and leave during the holidays.
Weekly boarding: learners stay from Monday to Friday and return home during the weekend.
Day boarding: students remain at school from 7.30am to 8pm Monday to Friday – an ideal option for working parents.