Fun Ways to Inspire Your Kids to Give Back

Fun Ways to Inspire Your Kids to Give Back
Jun 6, 2017
Every child is gifted with genuine compassion, love, and empathy. As parents, you can tell instantly from the natural way your child cares for their pet to the moment they display concern when you are feeling down.
As your growing child begins to identify these pattern of emotions, it is important for parents to guide and nurture them as they advance through their development stage. The best way is to teach them the value of giving back to the community. These are some of the steps you can take.
1. Local Charity Drive
Find a kids-friendly charity drive where your child can lend a helping hand in a big way. Start by doing meal deliveries for a charity food service that is mostly catered to the orphanages or senior homes. Then, take it further with a visit to a nursing home where conversations and companions are appreciated the most.
2. Donate Groceries to a Family in Need
Turn your weekly grocery shopping into your family’s charity movement. Prepare a shopping list and get your kids to hunt for canned food, diapers, toiletries, and towels in the supermarket. Pack each item into a box and donate it to a family in need.
3. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
Teach your children to be kind to animals by spending time in a nearby animal shelter. Aside from feeding and bathing adorable kittens and puppies, this experience also includes precious cuddling sessions with their new furry friends.
4. Help a Neighbour in Need
A lovely way to inspire your child to take part in the community is by helping someone close to home like your neighbour. It could be anything from assisting an elderly neighbour to water the plants, helping to bring in the newspaper or walking your neighbour’s dog.
5. Organise a Charitable Birthday
While birthdays are meant to celebrate your child, you can also infuse an element of giving every year. Make it a family tradition for your child to donate their toys and clothing to those in need. Your child can also spread the joy by helping out at the soup kitchen to pay it forward.
Spending Time with Rumah Keluarga
Welcoming new friends is what our learners from Nexus Boarding House do best. In April, a community event was held where our boarders invited their friends from Rumah Keluarga to spend a day in the Boarding House.
  • Social Sessions: Buzzed with excitement, the boarders took the time to socialise with the children from Rumah Keluarga.
  • Team Bonding Activities: Aside from showing a tour of the school, they interacted merrily over a round of sports, baking and other games and activities.
  • Donation Drive: At the end of each term and at Christmas, the boarders get together by collecting clothing, food, and toys which are donated to their good friends at Rumah Keluarga.
Both home and school are the greatest classrooms to nurture our young generation of generosity. Every act of kindness goes a long way in developing a sense of awareness on the community’s social and environmental issues. Your children can also benefit from the positive boost in self-worth, empathy, and love for others.
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