Ms. Amy Bartlett wins Ultra SkyMarathon 7th placing

Feb 28, 2022
Our very own Ms. Amy Bartlett recently won 7th place in an Ultra SkyMarathon held in Ipoh! She preserved through a course that was over 50 kilometres long and 2000 metres in elevation.

With such a huge achievement under her belt, we had to sit down with her so that she could share her experience with us. We learned that being kind and supportive to not only other participants, but also to herself, was one of the main ways she kept herself going.

Ms. Bartlett also told us that separating the long run into smaller chunks made the ultra marathon easier to manage. By taking small steps at a time, she managed to overcome kilometre after kilometre while pushing on.

Finally, she shared that her pre-ultra marathon preparation was truly a huge player in her success. Since the ultra marathon was going to be a long one, she had to train for a long time before the race. Not only that, she had to balance her life and commitments as training for the marathon was her priority.

We are proud of you, Ms. Amy Bartlett! Keep on inspiring! 👏

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