Term 1 Week 2 19/20

Friday, September 6, 2019
The boarding house stayed open over the long weekend and the first weekend activity of the year was FootGolf, a game played similarly to golf in which players are required to kick a football into a large cup located on a golf green. The player who scores the least amount of shots after the 9-hole round wins. Those who participated displayed excellent etiquette and sportsmanship, and some were more strategic than others, especially when approaching the green with delicate chip-kicks.

In the evening, to celebrate Merdeka Day, a Malaysian themed game of Kahoots was organised with the entire house taking part in the highly competitive quiz. Some also made jellies which was shared with everybody.

Our own wellbeing program commenced this week with our boarders signing up to at least one of the many activities we have on offer this term. Houseparents and Ms Leilah will lead the activities which are:
Monday - Night Run or Colouring-In Session
Tuesday - Boardgames
Wednesday - Morning Mindfulness, Yoga & Nutrition Tips
Thursday - Hama Beads & Lego Therapy
Friday - Morning Fitness Class

On Sunday many helped with sorting the recyclable waste which was collected by Tzuchi Recycling Centre and the following day some took up the opportunity to bike ride around the local presint and jungle area nearby.

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